Architect Services and the Bidding Process
The Bidding or Negotiation Services are an important aspect of any construction project and are covered in detail in the AIA Document B101, Article 3.5. This article outlines the responsibilities of the architect in assisting the owner in establishing a list of prospective contractors and in the bidding or negotiation process. It also explains the various services provided by the architect during the bidding or negotiation phase of a construction project.
Architects drive successful bidding and negotiating phases.
What to Expect During the Bid Phase of Architect Services
During the bid phase of architect services, the following activities can be expected:
The architect will assist the owner in establishing a list of prospective contractors
Following the owner’s approval of the construction documents, the architect will assist the owner in obtaining either competitive bids or negotiated proposals
The architect will confirm the responsiveness of bids or proposals and determine the successful bid or proposal, if any
The architect will award and prepare contracts for construction
Competitive Bidding
If the bidding process is competitive, the following services will be provided by the architect:
Procure the reproduction of bidding documents for distribution to prospective bidders
Distribute the bidding documents to prospective bidders, request their return upon completion of the bidding process, and maintain a log of distribution and retrieval and of the amounts of deposits, if any, received from and returned to prospective bidders
Organize and conduct a pre-bid conference for prospective bidders
Prepare responses to questions from prospective bidders and provide clarifications and interpretations of the bidding documents to all prospective bidders in the form of addenda
Organize and conduct the opening of the bids, and subsequently document and distribute the bidding results, as directed by the owner
Negotiated Proposals
If the bidding process is through negotiated proposals, the following services will be provided by the architect:
Procure the reproduction of proposal documents for distribution to prospective contractors and request their return upon completion of the negotiation process
Organize and participate in selection interviews with prospective contractors
Participate in negotiations with prospective contractors and subsequently prepare a summary report of the negotiation results, as directed by the owner
In both the competitive bidding process and the negotiated proposal process, the architect will consider requests for substitutions and prepare and distribute addenda identifying approved substitutions to all prospective bidders or contractors.
Closing Remarks
The architect holds a crucial role in the bidding or negotiation phase of construction. Their expertise helps guarantee the owner receives competitive bids/proposals and makes an educated decision when awarding construction contract. Adhering to AIA Document B101, Article 3.5 guarantees a streamlined and successful bidding or negotiation phase.