Hawaii frustrated Architects, owners, and contractors struggling with Building permits in Hawaii because of the incompetence of the city office.

The Challenges of Working with the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting

The Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) plays a vital role in managing the development and building process within the City and County of Honolulu. This role includes issuing permits and enforcing building codes and zoning regulations. However, despite its importance, the department has faced criticism for its lack of efficiency, transparency, and consistency.

Delays in the Permit Process and their Impact

Architects, residents and contractors have reported significant delays in the permit process. These then can cause delays in construction projects and result in additional costs and lost revenue. The lack of transparency and communication from the department has also made it difficult and frustrating for building permit applicants. Additionally, the department has been criticized for being bureaucratic, inflexible, and unwilling to find solutions that are mutually beneficial.

Lack of Transparency and Communication from the DPP

The department has been criticized for a lack of transparency and communication. This creates challenges for building permit applicants to understand the permit process and what is required of them. This lack of oversight and accountability can create a culture of corruption, which can further undermine the integrity of the permit process.

EPlans Process and its Impact

In an effort to improve the permit process, the DPP has implemented an electronic process, known as ePlans. The ePlans system has also caused problems, especially most recently with its beta phase roll-out of using an automated bot system to prescreen the drawings. Implementing big changes like this further exacerbates the existing issues of an already overloaded system. This bot system has been leading to further delays and confusion for building permit applicants and DPP staff.

Overall Issues with DPP and Need for Improvement

By now it’s well know nation-wide that the City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting has a number of serious issues that need to be addressed. From delays in the permit process to lack of transparency and communication, the department is seen as being inefficient. The department needs to take a more proactive approach to addressing these issues in order to improve the permit process and encourage development in the city. Furthermore, the department should be more accountable and transparent in their operations to ensure a fair and efficient permit process for everyone.

Share Your Experiences and Help Improve the Permit Process

If you have any experiences with the DPP, we encourage you to share them in the comments section of this blog post. Your input and feedback can help bring attention to these issues and potentially lead to improvements in the permit process.

If you’re looking to improve your understanding of the ePlans process and navigate the permit process more efficiently, we invite you to check out our ePlans online training course at this link https://elearn-hawaii.com/.


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