- A70l-2018
- A101
- A132
- A133-2009
- A195-2008
- A201
- A201-2017
- A232
- A295
- A295-2008
- A305
- A701
- acceptable storage
- acceptance phase
- Access
- accessory dwelling unit
- accessory dwelling units
- accessory dwelling units honolulu
- accessory dwelling units Oahu
- access to resources
- Accounting
- accuracy
- AC Systems
- Action submittals
- Adaptability
- ADA standard
- additional service
- additional services
- additional time
- addressing issues
- adjusting project timeline
- administrative procedures
- Administrative Procedures and Protocols
- ADU's benefit the home owner
- ADU's benefit the tenant
- ADU construction costs
- ADU construction Hawaii
- ADU design hawaii
- adu diy
- ADU facts
- ADU Hawaii
- ADU in Hawaii
- ADU Landlord Tips
- ADU laws
- ADU pre-check
- ADU regulations
- ADUs
- ADUs - accessory dwelling units
- ADUs Honolulu
- adviser
- advisor
- Aerial photographs
- Aerial Photography
- affect
- affordable housing Hawaii
- agenda
- agreement
- Agricultural society
- AIA A133-2009
- AIA A133-2009 Agreement
- AIA A195-2008
- AIA A195-2008 Agreement
- AIA A201-2017
- AIA A201-2017 General Conditions
- AIA Al0l-2017 Agreement
- AIA AlOl-2017
- AIA B101 Contract Document
- AIA contract
- AIA contract document B101
- AIA contract documents
- AIA Contract Forms
- AIA contracts
- AIA document
- AIA Document 702TM-1992
- AIA document A201-2007
- AIA Document B101
- AIA Document B101TM-2007
- AIA document reference
- AIA documents
- AIA G701
- AI design assistant
- Air Conditioning
- airflow optimization
- airy interiors
- Al0l-2017
- allocation of budget
- alternative materials
- amendment
- American Disability Act
- American Institute of Architects
- Application and Certificate for Payment
- Approval
- approval processes
- approved
- approving
- aquaculture
- aquaponics
- arbitration
- architect
- Architect's Approval
- Architect's Construction Phase Services
- architect's consultants
- Architect's responsibilities
- architect's review
- architect's role
- Architect's Stamp
- architect's supplemental instructions
- Architect Design and Construction Document Services
- Architect Responsibilities
- Architect review of contractor submittals
- architects
- Architect Services
- Architectural Basic Services
- architectural certification
- architectural chatbot
- Architectural Design
- architectural drafting
- architectural drafting in Hawaii
- architectural interior design
- Architectural Oversight
- Architectural Planning
- architectural process
- Architectural Resilience
- architectural services
- architectural stamping
- Architectural Supervision
- architecture
- architecture - building design
- architecture agreements
- Archlantis chatbot
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Article number
- as-constructed record drawings
- as-designed record drawings
- assessment of conformance to schedule
- attendees
- Automobile Liability
- B101
- B101 document
- B101TM-2007
- B195-2008
- B201
- B202TM-2009
- B203TM-2007
- B204TM-2007
- B207TM-2008
- B210TM-2007
- B211TM-2007
- B252TM-2007
- B253TM-2007
- Balance-to-Complete
- Balancing Dual Capacities
- basic services
- benefits
- benefits and risks
- benefits of an ADU
- Best Practices
- Bid Bond
- bidding
- Bidding Process
- Bid evaluation process
- Big Island architectural planning
- Big Island building
- Big Island building requirements
- Big Island construction considerations
- Big Island home design
- Big Island solar power homes
- Bill 20 Stipulations
- binding
- biodiversity
- Bl0l-2017
- Blueprint Creation
- bonds
- budget
- budget and timeline
- budget constraints
- Budgeting
- build a new carport
- builders
- building
- Building a Garage in Oahu
- building a home in hawaii
- Building a Lanai
- building an adu
- building an adu in hawaii
- Building and planning
- building a pool in hawaii
- building authorization
- building code compliance
- building codes
- Building Commissioning
- Building Design
- building elements
- Building for Resilience
- building industry
- Building Information Modeling
- Building in Hawaii
- building inspections
- building materials
- building permit
- building permit applications
- Building Permit Delay in Hawaii
- Building Permit Delays Continue in Hawaii
- Building Permit Delays in Hawaii
- Building Permit Hawaii
- Building Permit Oahu
- building permits
- building permits hawaii
- building permits in Hawaii
- building plans
- building process
- building projects
- building regulations
- building safety
- building safety standards
- building systems
- bureaucratic delays
- Business Construction
- Calculating Land Disruption
- Calculating the slope of your construction project
- Cataloging
- certificate of occupancy
- Certificate of Payment
- Certificate of Substantial Completion
- certificates
- certificates for payment
- certifications
- cesspool moratorium
- change management
- Change Order
- change orders
- Change Order Summary
- changeover procedure
- changes
- changes to the work
- Charles William Dickey's roof design
- city agriculture
- city and county
- City and County of Honolulu
- city farming
- city gardening
- city homesteading
- city lot
- City Planning
- civil engineering
- claims
- clarification
- classic
- Clean energy
- clear communication
- clear procedures
- clear understanding
- client
- client's consultants
- client's program
- client communication
- client directives
- client needs
- climate-resilient homes
- climate considerations
- closing statement
- CMa
- CMc
- coastal architecture
- Code Adherence
- code compliance
- code compliance issues
- codes
- collaboration
- Commercial Projects
- commissioning
- commissioning agent
- commissioning meetings
- commissioning plan
- commissioning specifications
- commissioning team
- common path of egress travel
- communicating changes
- Communication
- community and culture
- Community Board
- Community Engagement
- Community Governance
- Community Spaces
- Compact Living
- compensation
- Competitive Bids
- Completion Costs
- Compliance
- compliance inspections
- comprehensive overview
- conflict resolution
- conformance
- conformed construction documents
- consistent
- construction
- construction agreements
- Construction Bond
- construction change directives
- Construction Changes
- construction changes directive
- Construction claims
- Construction Compliance
- construction conformance
- Construction Contract
- Construction Contract Closeout
- construction contracts
- construction documentation
- Construction Documents Phase
- construction guidance hawaii
- construction industry
- construction industry Hawaii
- Construction Licenses
- construction loans
- construction manager
- Construction Manager Agreement
- Construction Manager as Advisor
- construction manager as advisor (CMa)
- Construction Manager as Constructor
- construction manager as constructor (CMc)
- construction materials
- construction means
- Construction Meeting Best Practices
- Construction mockups
- Construction observation
- Construction Payment
- construction permit submissions
- construction phase
- construction phases
- construction process
- construction progress
- construction project
- construction project delivery
- construction project management
- construction projects
- Construction Regulations
- Construction scope changes
- construction site slope
- Construction Site Visits
- Construction Standards
- Construction submittals
- construction terms and conditions
- construction tips Hawaii
- Construction Welding
- constructor
- consultant
- Consultants
- consulting
- contemporary
- Contingency
- Continuation Sheet
- contract
- contract administration
- contract awarding
- Contract Closeout
- contract documents
- Contract for Construction
- contractor
- contractor's office
- contractor's understanding
- Contractor-Stipulated Sum Agreement
- Contractor Bids
- Contractor Closeout Documents
- contractor defaults
- contractor documentation
- Contractor Progress Payments
- contractors
- contractor selection
- Contractual Number
- Contractual Obligations
- control
- Convergent Photography
- coordination
- coordination of owner's consultants
- corridors
- cost
- cost estimation
- cost monitoring
- Cost of the Work
- cost of work
- cost overruns
- cost thresholds
- county requirements
- Creative Concept
- Creative Solutions
- cultural impact assessment
- current
- Curtain walls
- customary contemporary: modern
- custom home designs
- cutting-edge style sustainability: eco-friendliness
- D-Series
- damages
- date and time of observation
- DB
- decision maker
- deficiencies
- delays
- Delegated design
- delivery methods
- department of permitting and planning
- Department of Planning and Permitting
- descriptions
- design-bid-build
- design-negotiate-build
- design-negotiate-build (D-N-B)
- design and construction
- design and construction hawaii
- Design Bid Award Method
- Design Build
- design concept
- Design Development Phase
- Designing for the Hawaiian Climate
- Design intent drawings
- design mockup
- design phase
- design process
- design services
- Design Strategies
- design team
- design your front door
- detailed cost estimating
- development
- Dickey roof
- digital data
- digital plan submissions
- disaster-resistant design
- dispute resolution
- disputes
- disputes resolution
- disruption
- disturbed area
- disturbed land
- divinity
- divisions
- DIY Carport
- DIY Home
- DIY projects
- do-it-yourself
- documentation
- dog owners guide
- dog owners guide for perfect home
- dog ownership
- Doors
- DPP review process
- drafting
- drafting service
- drafting services oahu
- draftsman
- draft submission
- drainage
- drawings
- drawings and specifications
- Dream
- Dual-Function Furnishings
- Duplex
- duplex design plans
- Durability
- duties
- E-Series
- Earthquake-resistant design
- Eco-consciousness
- eco-friendly
- eco-friendly building materials
- Eco-Friendly Design
- eco-friendly design hawaii
- eco-friendly elements
- Eco-friendly Living
- eco-homesteading
- eco-tourism
- ecological footprint
- Ecology
- Economic Balance
- economy
- effective and efficient
- Effective Communication
- efficient execution
- Efficient Water Usage
- egress
- egress width
- electrical and plumbing plans Hawaii
- electrical engineering
- Electrical Systems
- Electrical Wiring
- Electronic Plan Review
- electronic plans
- elevated foundations
- elevations
- Elevators
- energy-efficient
- energy-efficient buildings
- Energy-efficient design
- energy-efficient homes Hawaii
- energy efficiency
- Energy efficient ADU
- engineering
- Engineering Assessments
- engineers
- environment
- Environmental Consciousness
- environmental considerations
- environmental impact
- environmental impact assessment
- environmentally friendly
- environmentally responsible design
- environmental responsibility
- ePlans
- ePlans system
- equipment
- equipment design
- equipment start-ups
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- ESCP design
- ESCP requirements
- estimate
- evaluating work
- exemptions
- Exhibits
- existing facilities surveys
- Existing Structures
- exits
- exit separation
- expectations
- expert building advice hawaii
- Expert Plan Maker
- Expert Services
- Expert Supervision
- Express Warranty
- Facility Construction Subgroup
- Facility Services Subgroup
- facility support services
- fair representation
- FAQs
- Farming community
- fast-track design services
- façade mockup
- Feasibility
- Field Observation Reports
- field report number
- field reports
- field tests
- final certificate
- Final Change Order
- Final Completion
- Final Inspection
- Final Payment
- final payments
- financial guarantee
- financial planning
- fire hydrants
- fixed price
- flash flood
- flood-resistant materials
- flood protection
- Flooring
- floor plan
- food forest
- foundation erosion
- Freelance Services
- Frustration
- functional tests
- furnishings design
- furniture design
- future expansion
- future homestead expansion
- G70l-2017
- G701
- G701-1992
- G701-2017
- G702
- G702-1992
- G703
- G703-1992
- G704
- G704-2017
- G707
- G710
- G711
- G714
- G714-1992
- G716
- garages
- general conditions of the contract for construction
- General Liability
- General Requirements
- geometrically corrected
- Geometric Correction
- Glass Shower Enclosure
- Goals
- green architecture Hawaii
- Green Building
- Green Homes
- green homes Hawaii
- Green lifestyle
- green practices
- greywater system implementation
- gross floor area
- handling
- Hawaii
- Hawaii's Capital
- Hawaii ADU plans
- Hawaii ADUs
- Hawaiian Architecture
- Hawaiian building
- Hawaiian Building Design
- Hawaiian environmental design
- Hawaiian home styles
- Hawaiian house styles
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii Architecture
- Hawaii Bill
- Hawaii building codes
- Hawaii building permit
- Hawaii Building Permit Backlogs
- Hawaii building permits
- Hawaii building regulations
- Hawaii building tips
- Hawaii coastal home design
- Hawaii construction
- Hawaii construction drawings
- Hawaii construction market
- Hawaii construction permits
- Hawaii custom homes
- hawaii drafting services
- Hawaii Energy Code
- Hawaii energy code compliance
- Hawaii green building
- Hawaii home energy efficiency
- Hawaii home infrastructure
- Hawaii homeowners
- Hawaii home remodel
- Hawaii housing
- Hawaii housing market
- Hawaii Landlord Laws
- Hawaii legislation
- hawaii permitting process
- Hawaii rainwater catchment systems
- Hawaii real estate trends
- Hawaii Residential Design
- Hawaii residential water systems
- Hawaii Resilience
- Hawaii State Building Code
- Hawaii sustainable home design
- Hawaii wastewater systems
- Hawaii zoning laws
- Hawaiʻi County
- healthy indoor environment
- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- Hillside Building
- Hilo house design
- historic preservation
- holiness modern design: contemporary design
- home additions hawaii
- home build
- home builders
- home construction
- Home Design
- home design in Hawaii
- Home Development
- home equity
- home improvement
- home improvement tips
- homeowners
- Home Renovation
- Homestead Architecture
- Homesteading
- Homesteading Principles
- Honolulu
- Honolulu building permits
- Honolulu construction projects
- Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting
- horizontal distance
- house plans Hawaii
- Housing affordability
- Hurricane-resistant design
- IBC 2018
- Impervious Surfaces
- Importance
- important information
- in-town development
- increased costs
- Independence
- independent review
- indigenous materials
- individual preferences
- individual wastewater systems
- indoor air quality
- industry standards
- infill development
- infill development - urban infill
- infill development Hawaii
- Information
- Informational submittals
- Infrastructure
- initial decision maker
- initial information
- initial payments
- initial start up
- innovative architecture
- Innovative Ideas
- Inspection
- inspections
- insurance
- Insurance Coverage
- integrated design
- integrated design - collaborative design
- Integrated Project Delivery
- Integrated Project Delivery Agreement
- Integrated Project Delivery Method
- interior designer
- interior mockup
- intermediate payments
- International Building Code
- interpreting blueprints
- interpreting decisions
- intervening rooms
- Island architecture traditional: old-fashioned
- island construction trends
- island scenery
- labor bonds
- landscape design
- landscaping
- land use regulations
- large project
- large windows
- lava zone building
- law modification
- laws
- laws and regulations
- LEED certification
- legal
- legal changes
- legal compliance
- legal counsel
- legal disputes
- legal framework
- legal issues
- Legal Justification
- legal liabilities
- Legal Principle
- legal updates
- License Bond
- licensed architect Hawaii
- licensed professionals
- Lien Waiver
- Liljestrand House
- limitations
- Limited Land
- list of items to verify
- litigation
- local authorities
- local regulations
- long-term growth
- major overhauls
- management
- managing construction claims
- managing services
- MasterFormat
- MasterFormat Specification Divisions
- material bonds
- materials
- materials and systems inspection
- Maui ADU guide
- Maui rental restrictions
- measure
- measured drawings
- mechanical engineering
- mechanical mockup
- mediation
- MEP/FP systems
- MEP Comments
- MEP Feedback
- methods
- mid-century modern architecture
- Miller Act
- minor adjustments
- Misc Architect CA Responsibilities
- Miscellaneous Documents
- miscellaneous provisions
- Miscellanous metal items
- mock-up
- modern design
- modifications
- monitoring
- monthly payments
- mortgage
- multi-generational housing Hawaii
- Multi-purpose Furniture
- multigenerational living
- municipal government
- municipalities
- National Electrical Code (NEC)
- natural disaster resilience
- natural disasters
- natural materials
- Nature
- Navigating Dual Roles
- NEC Standards
- Negotiated Proposals
- negotiation
- negotiation process
- Neighbor Considerations When Building
- net floor area
- neutral party
- neutral third party
- Non-absorbent Surfaces
- Non-compliant owner-builders
- Nonpayment
- Oahu
- Oahu ADUs
- Oahu construction tips
- Oahu home project
- Objectives
- observations made
- occupant load
- on-site project representation
- open floor plans
- operation
- options
- organization
- Orthophotography
- Outdoor Living
- Outside Contractor
- overall success
- overseeing construction
- oversight
- owner
- Owner's approval
- owner's contractors
- owner-architect agreement
- owner-builder
- owner-builder guide
- Owner-Builder in Hawaii
- owner-builder resources hawaii
- owner-builders
- owner-builder tips Hawaii
- owner-built design
- Owner-Construction Manager Agreement
- Owner-Construction Manager as Constructor Agreement
- Owner-Contractor Agreement
- Owner Responsibilities
- owners
- owner training
- panoramic views
- paragraph
- parking lots
- parties
- passive solar design
- Payment
- Payment Application
- Payment Application Processing
- Payment Application Reviews
- payment applications
- Payment Bond
- Payment Delays
- payment process
- Payment Schedules
- Payment Terms
- peace of mind
- percentage
- percentage complete
- performance
- performance-based sustainable design
- Performance Bond
- performance bonds
- Permaculture
- permaculture design
- permeable hardscape
- Permit Application
- permit application delays
- Permit Department
- Permit Office
- permit process
- permit requests
- permits
- Permit Submission
- permitting
- permitting delays
- permitting process
- permitting services
- permit updates hawaii
- personalized home plans
- personal preferences
- Photogrammetry
- Physical samples
- Pinterest home improvement
- plan category
- Planning
- planning and authorization
- planning and permitting
- Plumbing Codes
- plumbing fixture schedule Hawaii
- Plumbing Systems
- post-acceptance phase
- post-occupancy evaluation
- potential issues
- pre-installation meetings
- preconstruction conference
- preliminary design
- preliminary designs
- preliminary evaluation
- present-day natural materials: organic
- Proactive Contract Administration
- procedures
- process
- procurement documents
- procurement information
- product data
- productivity
- products
- professional design services
- Professional Guidance
- Professional Judgment
- Professional Liability
- professional management
- Professional Oversight
- Professional Services
- Professional Stamp
- program
- programming
- progress inspections
- progress meetings
- progress reports
- progress tracking
- progress updates
- project administration
- project approval
- Project Budget
- Project Close Out Documents
- project completion
- Project Delivery
- Project Delivery Methods
- project delivery methods construction
- project goals and objectives
- project management
- project manager
- project manual
- project meetings
- project plan
- project professionals
- Project Progress
- project site
- project stage
- project success
- project team
- Project Timeline
- proper preparation
- property investment
- property investment - real estate investment
- property owners
- Pros and Cons
- protecting interests
- protocols
- Punch List
- Pālehua cabin
- rainwater catchment systems
- Rainwater Control
- ramps
- Re-submittals
- reading architectural plans
- reading construction drawings
- reduced functionality
- reduced quality
- refinancing
- Regenerative Agriculture
- regenerative design
- Regenerative Practices
- regular payment schedule
- regular progress meetings
- regulations
- Regulatory Compliance
- rejected
- relationships
- remodeling
- remodeling in hawaii
- renewable energy
- renovation
- Renting a home Honolulu
- renting out an adu
- Representative
- requesting
- requests for information
- requirements for projects that disturb land
- residential buildings
- residential construction
- residential construction Hawaii
- Residential design
- Residential Designers
- residential development
- residential development - housing development
- residential foundation
- residential landscaping
- Residential Planning
- Residential Storm Water Management Plan
- residential structures
- Resilient Communities
- resilient homestead
- Resilient Materials
- resolving disputes
- resource accessibility
- respective roles
- responsibilities
- responsibilities for owner-builders
- Responsibility
- responsible travel
- retainage
- review
- review and approval of drawings
- review plans
- review time
- revise and resubmit
- Revisions
- rights
- rise
- rise/run ratio
- Risk Management
- Role Distinction
- roles and responsibilities
- Role Separation
- roof slopes
- run
- rural construction
- Safety
- safety and security
- Safety Gear Checklist
- safety inspections
- safety measures
- safety precautions
- safety regulations
- samples
- Schedule
- schedule of values
- schematic design documents
- Schematic Design Phase
- scope
- Scope of Work
- sea level rise
- seasonal testing
- secondary residence honolulu
- sections
- security evaluation
- Self-reliance
- Self-Reliant Communities
- Self-sufficiency
- self-sufficient living
- self-supporting lifestyle
- sequences
- Service Professional
- Service Provider
- settlement
- shop drawings
- shoreline regulations
- single-exit buildings
- Single-wall construction
- site analysis
- Site and Infrastructure Subgroup
- site assessment
- site audit
- site check
- site evaluation
- site examination
- Site Management
- site plan
- site planning
- site plans in Hawaii
- site review
- Site Selection
- site visits
- slope percentage
- slope ratio
- slope stability
- Small Spaces
- soil conditions
- soil quality
- solar passive strategies
- Space Optimization
- Space saving tips
- special terms
- Specifications
- spirituality
- Split A/C
- Split Air Conditioning
- sports fields
- staffing
- stairway rise and run
- stakeholders
- standard form
- standardized
- Standards
- start of construction
- state laws
- Steep Slopes
- stipulated sum
- Stored Materials
- Stormwater Management
- Structural Analysis
- Structural Calculations
- structural design
- structural drawings Hawaii
- structural engineering
- structural integrity
- structural mockup
- structural services hawaii
- Structural Soundness
- Subcontractors
- Subdivision Bond
- submittal and RFI procedures
- submittals
- submittal schedule
- Substantial Completion
- substitutions
- success
- successful construction project
- successful outcome
- successful project delivery
- Sufficient Funds
- supplemental drawings
- Suppliers
- Supply Bond
- Surety
- Surety Bond
- suspension
- Sustainability
- sustainability certification
- sustainability measures
- sustainability requirements
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Architecture
- sustainable building
- sustainable building Hawaii
- sustainable design
- Sustainable design Hawaii
- sustainable farming
- sustainable features
- Sustainable Future
- sustainable gardening
- sustainable home design
- sustainable home features
- Sustainable Homes
- sustainable homesteading
- sustainable housing
- sustainable infrastructure
- Sustainable living
- sustainable materials
- sustainable project
- sustainable projects
- sustainable site selection
- Sustainable Solutions
- sustainable spirituality: sacredness
- swimming pool contractor Oahu
- swimming pool design
- systems
- Teamwork
- techniques
- telecommunications/data design
- tenant-related services
- Tension
- termination
- testing
- Tests
- third-party claims
- Thriving Future
- time frame
- Timeliness
- Topography
- Tracking
- traditional
- traditional design-bid-build
- training program
- transition process
- tropical architecture
- tropical building design
- tropical climate architecture
- tropical home building
- tropical landscapes
- tropical sustainable living
- types of payments
- Ultimate Guides
- uncovering and correcting non-conforming work
- understanding blueprints
- unforeseen challenges
- Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
- Unjust Enrichment
- Unlicensed Drafters
- UPC Standards
- updates on building permit delays
- Upwork
- urban agriculture
- urban building
- urban development Hawaii
- urban farming
- urban gardening
- urban homesteading
- urban permaculture
- Urban Planning
- Warranting
- Warranty Bond
- Water Management
- weather conditions
- welding certifications
- welding types
- welding uses
- well-structured agenda
- What is an ADU
- Where can an ADU be built
- Wind-resistant design
- Work Acceptance
- Workers' Compensation
- workflow
- working with contractors
- work in progress
- Work Status Representations
- Work Stoppage
- written warranties